Lepidoptera: Psychidae

Metura elongatus  

Case Moth (Metura elongatus) (Metura elongatus)
click photo for larger image
© Vik Dunis 2016
Malvern East, VIC (Jun, 2016)
Common Names
  • Saunder's Case Moth
Wallpaper image
Wallpaper thumb: Case Moth (Metura elongatus)

Like an engine pulling a big train, the case moth caterpillar came steaming across the ground towards me on a drizzly, wet Melbourne day.

"I wonder where it's going?" was a thought that came to mind, along with "What on earth possessed me to get down on this wet ground?"

Case Moth (Metura elongatus) (Metura elongatus)

Saunder's Case Moth Larva

Case Moth (Metura elongatus) (Metura elongatus)

Saunder's Case Moth Case

Case Moth (Metura elongatus) (Metura elongatus)

Saunder's Case Moth Larva

Case Moth (Metura elongatus) (Metura elongatus)

Saunder's Case Moth Larva

Case Moth (Metura elongatus) (Metura elongatus)

Saunder's Case Moth Larva

Case Moth (Metura elongatus) (Metura elongatus)

Saunder's Case Moth Larva

Case Moth (Metura elongatus) (Metura elongatus)

Saunder's Case Moth Larva

Case Moth (Metura elongatus) (Metura elongatus)

Saunder's Case Moth Larva

Case Moth (Metura elongatus) (Metura elongatus)

Saunder's Case Moth Larva